Unlock a Treasure Trove of Industry-Standard Services for Fiction and Non-Fiction Authors!

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” – Ernest Hemingway


Crafting a book cover, conjuring up enchanting illustrations, or designing a responsive e-book cover that dazzles on every screen is an art in itself! But fret not, for our stellar team of designers is armed with creativity and industry expertise to make your book visually stunning. With a keen eye on the latest trends in the book publishing industry, our graphic artists weave magic into book covers, ensuring that your literary opus doesn’t just read well, but looks the part too! Elevate your masterpiece with a cover that speaks volumes.


Unveil your literary masterpiece with our comprehensive book marketing services tailored for new and seasoned authors. Our suite of marketing services is designed to give your book the spotlight it deserves. With our eye-catching book and eBook cover designs, and meticulous interior book design, your book is bound to make a lasting impression. Our expert book editing services and editorial services polish your manuscript to perfection, while our press release distribution creates a buzz in the literary circles. We also offer web hosting for authors, giving you a dedicated space to connect with your readers. Our marketing services, self-publishing support, and bookselling services ensure that your book not only reaches the readers but also achieves the recognition it deserves.


Take the digital literary world by storm with Sunset Park Publishing’s e-book promotion services, meticulously crafted for authors. Our services are designed to catapult your e-book to new heights. We connect you with an extensive network of distributors, ensuring that your e-book reaches the nooks and crannies of the book market. Our strategies are not confined by borders; we help you connect with readers both nationally and internationally, creating a global fanbase for your work. Moreover, we bridge the gap between you and multiple distribution platforms, ensuring that your e-book is available to readers across various devices and applications. With our SEO-optimized promotion, your e-book will rank high in search results, capturing the attention of avid readers. Partner with us and watch as your e-book charts new territories and garners acclaim in the digital literary landscape.


Spotting errors, scouring the text for fine-tuning, and striking the perfect harmony between storytelling and readability – welcome to the daily grind of our passionate editors who thrive on polishing manuscripts to perfection! With a keen understanding of the book publishing industry, our editors wield their red pens like a maestro’s baton, ensuring that your text doesn’t just tell a story, but sings it. With our expert touch, your manuscript will transform from rough draft to polished gem, ready to captivate readers.


Embark on a literary voyage with Sunset Park Publishing, where our expert Ghostwriting services are the golden quill that brings your stories to life. With a seasoned team of wordsmiths adept in an array of genres, we craft narratives that resonate with your voice and vision. Whether you’re a budding author taking your first steps or a published maestro seeking to add another jewel to your crown, our bespoke Ghostwriting services are tailored to meet your unique needs. Our experienced authors and publishers work in tandem to weave a tapestry of words that captivates the reader from the first page to the last. As an author-centric publisher, we understand the essence of storytelling and are committed to nurturing your literary dreams. Choose Sunset Park Publishing, where your ideas are transformed into timeless tales through the art of Ghostwriting.


Annually, our dynamic team of seasoned managers and publishing connoisseurs sifts through a mountain of manuscripts. Amidst this avalanche of submissions, we cherry-pick the most enthralling stories with captivating voices, extending our expert guidance to help these gems sparkle in the public eye. Once your book has triumphantly navigated our discerning selection process, it’s time for the grand finale – publishing! We offer a suite of publishing options, including e-books, softcovers, and hardcovers, to give your literary masterpiece the debut it deserves.


Empowering budding authors to make a grand entrance into the literary world through self-publishing is at the heart of what we do. This initial leap can be a game-changer for any author who’s ready to invest alongside us, fueled by the unwavering belief that their book has the makings of a sensation! With our industry expertise and commitment to excellence, we provide the tools and guidance needed to turn that belief into reality. Together, let’s take the book publishing industry by storm and launch your first book to stellar heights!

Unleashing the Wordsmith Within: The 7 Quintessential Tools for Authorial Mastery

Unleash the full potential of your literary prowess with Sunset Park Publishing’s expert Writing Coach services, tailored for authors across all genres. Our seasoned writing coaches, with their rich tapestry of experience, are the guiding lights that illuminate your path from concept to publication. Whether you’re a fledgling writer seeking to hone your craft or an established author aspiring to scale new heights, our personalized coaching is the catalyst that propels your writing journey. Through constructive feedback, skill-building exercises, and insights into the publishing landscape, our coaches empower you to craft narratives that resonate with readers. As an author-centric publisher, Sunset Park Publishing is committed to nurturing your voice and transforming your literary dreams into reality. Engage with our Writing Coach services and witness the metamorphosis of your words into a symphony of storytelling.

Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.” – E.L. Doctorow

Meet the Elated Wordsmith: A Journey of Literary Triumph!


quote1Thanks God that exactly at the moment when I felt desperate enough about my book writing dreams as to call it quits, I’ve found an advert by Sunset Park Publishing! At the end of the day, I’ve had my book published with their help!

Arthur Arnolds